Merlin Land

Add Assets

Build the first app in MLAPP. Used to quickly add various assets of MerLin Land

Tag:#Tool #Official

Land ID:#679

Set Land status

Quickly set Land Inscription & NFT status to support larger single transfers

Tag:#Tool #Official

Land ID:#674

Merlin Garden

Quickly use the visual IDE to create spatial axis standard Json files in your Land

Tag:#Tool #Official #Game

Land ID:#672

Upload Metadata Json to IPFS

Conveniently upload the standard Json metadata of land to IPFS decentralized storage for permanent storage

Tag:#Tool #Official #Game

Land ID:#677

Merlin Tanks

Try Build pixel-style STG game on Merlin Land, which has 30 levels for wizards to play freely.

Tag:#Game #Pixel #Community

Land ID:#199420

Merlin Starter

The 1st native launchpad and Bitcoin layer2 accelerator on Merlin Chain.

Tag:#Airdrop #Launchpad

Land ID:#157059

Submit MlAPP

MLAPP is the application market of Merlin Land. You can build games and various applications on your own land and provide them for Merlin wizards to play, and you can earn profits at the same time!